Logos NJ Home Education Org

Class Proposal Submissions

indicates a required answer

It is time to start planning for next year!

Many of you have expressed an interest in becoming more involved with our co-op by teaching.  The more willing teachers we have, the more classes we can offer and the better our co-op can run.
If you are interested in teaching please fill out the form by March 15th.  The form must be filled out entirely for us to be able to consider the class for next year.
Please keep in mind that only adults who have been a part of our co-op for one year are eligible to be teachers next year. If you know of other adults that are interested in teaching, please let admin know.

Once we have reviewed all class proposal submissions we will set up a time to discuss your proposal further.

1. *

Class Name

2. *

Teacher(s) name(s)

3. *

Class Grade Level

If you would like to include additional grade levels please indicate that in the comments section. (For example, if you are teaching a High School class and are willing to include a mature eighth grader)

4. *

Length of class

Use your Ctrl & Shift keys to select multiples.
5. *

Please select which periods you are willing or would prefer to teach.

 (1 required)
First Period Second Period
Third Period Fourth Period
Fifth Period
6. *

Min/Max number of students allowed.

7. *

Attendence Policy:  How many classes may a student miss before they are removed from the class?
This policy will be enforced.
Students will move to Study Hall this period if they do not meet the attendence policy of the class.

8. *

Class Description
Please include a brief description of what you would like to teach.

9. *


10. *

Classroom needs

Indicate any specific equipment, tables, and space you would need to run your class efficiently.

11. *

Required Supplies

These are supplies that would need to be purchased bayond what your class fee will cover.

12. *

Class Fee

If your class requires additional materials including textbooks, workbooks, art supplies, etc. consider whether you will have the families purchase them or if you will charge a class fee and handle the purchase and collection of materials yourself.

13. *

Please select any alternate grade levels you would be willing to adapt your class to.

 (1 required)
Kindergarten - 1st Grade 2nd - 3rd Grade
4th - 6th Grade 7th - 8th Grade
9th - 12th Grade None
14. *

Are you willing to teach this class a second time to a different age group during the same year? (this would mean teaching 2 classes for different grades but with the same content)


Additional Comments: