Logos NJ Home Education Org

Club Proposal Form

indicates a required answer

We are excited that you would like to start a Logos club!  Please fill out the form below so that we know what your club is about and what type of space you need.  Please also include all the information club members will need to be prepared for your first meeting.

Club space will be available on the Thursdays when there are regularly scheduled classes from the end of co-op (starting at 3:15) through 5:00pm. Please specify the dates that you would like for your club to meet.  This is entirely up to you and does not need to be every week.

Please fill out the Club Proposal Form below with your club idea. If accepted by the Logos Admin team then your club will automatically be added to our co-op calendar and sign-ups will open. Please consider any prior commitments on your calendar before submitting your club proposal so we can limit the possibility of you missing a meeting. There will be no substitutes for the days that you cannot make it to club.

Both parents and students may run a club, it will be up to the descresion of Logos Admin if an adult will need to co-lead a club based on the age of the student and the content.

~ Karen, Alice, Barbara, and Kate

1. *

Club Coordinator

2. *

Club Name

3. *

Description of Club

4. *

Please list the dates and times your club would be meeting:

5. *

Will your club require help from additional adults or older students?  Please indicate below how many people and what age group could be helpers.  We will have a sign-up sheet for volunteers to help but cannot guarentee that these positions will be filled.

6. *

List any special equpment you may need and what type of meeting space you will need

7. *

List anything that would be required of the students to bring to club

8. *

Will there be a material fee?

yes no

If yes, about how much?

10. *

What age/grade level is this club suitable for? (you may choose more than one;  the goal of our clubs is to cover a wide range of ages)

 (1 required)
Preschool Kindergarten - 1st Grade
2nd Grade - 3rd Grade 4th Grade - 6th Grade
Mature 6th Grade - 8th Grade Highschool